Iga Sewruk

Graphic Designer


Hello, my name is Iga and I am a graphic designer specialising in branding, web and marketing design and print. In my free time, I love to illustrate in both traditional and digital media. 

About me

In 2020 I graduated from the Academy of the Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Poland with bachelor degree in Graphic Arts. 2 week after my graduation, I already moved to UK and made it my home ever since. 

My approach to design is rather minimalistic and I strongly believe that in this field – less is more. Like my biggest inspiration, polish poster designer Lex Drewinski, I think a good design should go straight to the point and have a clear message. It is important to me to give each element of the project its proper function. From the simplistic but strong  typography in black and white, to rich and colourful illustrations. In everything I create, I want to communicate with the receiver and tell them a story.


Used software

I specialise in:

  • branding & logo design
  • layout design & working with typography
  • developing web UI designs & solutions
  • making a variety of digital assets for  newsletter, website and social media spaces
  • preparing project presentations and brand books
  • creating and preparing print assets
  • POS and marketing design
  • product photography


Majestic Wine

Mid-Weight Graphic Designer

At Majestic, I work in a Content team where all the marketing materials are created. I collaborate with different departments across the company to ensure I deliver quality materials on time in the fast-paced environment.
Every week, I am responsible for creating a new set of promotional banners that are displayed on the Majestic website, which you can quickly inspect using the button down below. 

Various Clients


Since the first year of the university, I have been taking commissions as a freelancer designer. From small favours for friends and family, to designing whole branding proposition, I now have 6+ years of experience in working with clients, taking initiative and producing various creative solutions. 

Iskra Mocy – A Spark of Power – was a project was born out of a passion for nature and handicraft. It’s a small business offering all natural workshops. The owner is a very bright person that radiates a positive, can-do energy that I wanted to capture into this design.

LaPitta is a medditerranean cuisine on wheels that you can find driving around Derbyshire. The biggest challenge in this project was to create a design that combines different cultures without suggesting a specific region (so no whites and blues suggesting Grece for example!). The biggest inspiration for LaPitta was the turquoise door that the client once saw on her morning walk and she requested to use this shade in the project.



My favourite way of expressing myself always was – and still is – drawing and illustrating. During my studies I was very fond of the still life drawing classes. In a professional working space there is not a lot of room for trials and errors that’s why it is so important to me to still stay curious and creative outside the office hours. I usually draw using Procreate or try out new watercolour techniques on paper. I also enjoy poster design every now and then.

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf


After hours, I’m a huge nerd at heart. I love video games, sci-fi movies (Star Wars is what I mean actually) and 80’s music. I enjoy a black cup of coffee from a dripper in the morning and lifting weights at the gym in the evening.